Somehow, someone pushed fast forward on our life right as May began and now we're back at play and I'm trying to catch up and adjust to June! Holy cow, how fast time can go by in the blink of an eye!
So much happened in May, it was an emotional roller coaster the entire month. If it weren't for the 300 or so photos I took in May, I wouldn't know where to start. But I promise not to bore you with all the photos.
Ok, here we go...
I had a follow up chest CT scan May 5th. Remember I had to go back to make sure the pneumonia had gone away? It came out clear! Now, I get to go back for my regular lymphoma scan at the end of this month.
Our nephew Jhonen was baptised the first weekend in May and Gabriel and I were honored to be his Godparents! Gabriel's dad happened to be in town for about a month and it was extra special since the entire family was there.
Valerie visiting with Grandma Chris, Great-Grandma Vargas and Jhonen's Great-Grandma
Martha smiling for the camera
Seth with Jhonen and Grandma Chris
What do you get when you're bored having to wait 10 minutes to go to swim practice, flip flops and a beat up skate board? Not pretty! She was out of swimming and PE for almost 2 weeks! She even had to use crutches for nearly a week because of this ugly sprain. She even missed Field Day at school. Lesson learned...let's hope!
At the hospital getting meds and crutches
Field Day with Seth
Mother's Day was nice this year. We spent it at Angie's house. The kids enjoyed a slip and slide, although it was unusually cool. We enjoyed some yummy bbq ribs, brisket and even better mamosas! (You don't see Olivia because she was still on her crutches.)
Grandma Baylor with the 'babies'
Veronica and Taylor
The slip n slide was a HIT!
Our world was shaken in the early morning hours of May 13th. I found my mom in my room crying, saying she needed to go to Ben Taub (a major trama center). Half asleep, I was wondering how she got in and why she was needing to go somewhere like that when she had insurance. She had scratched her arm badly at Angie's on Mother's Day and at first I thought it was that. Then she said my sister Adrienne was in a car accident. My heart dropped. Only serious accidents are taken to Ben Taub. My dad was on his way already, the hospital had called him after finding his number in my sister's cell phone. My mom couldn't drive because she was too emotional, so I drove us there at three in the morning. They wouldn't give my dad any information, which made our 45 minute trip there even more solomn. When we get there we find out she is stable but has some serious injuries. My first thought was "Thank you, God she is still alive!" She was on her way home from a friend's house at around 12:40am and she had just entered a major freeway. Some car came speeding behind her, crossing three lanes and clipped her bumper. This caused her to lose control, she rolled a couple of times and ended up crashing into the concrete median, sliding the length of a football field. Luckily, there was an eyewitness who stopped to call for help. Unfortunately, no one got a good look at this car's plates or even the car itself and they took off without stopping. Firefighters had to cut her out through her roof. Miraculously, the only injuries she suffered were two compound fractures on both ankles. Her left side was much more damaged than the right. She was wearing her seat belt, and had she not she probably would not have survived. She's been in the hospital since May 13th. She's been progressing nicely. Things that could go right, have. The doctors at Ben Taub initially thought she would lose her left foot. The damage was just too severe. Pieces of bone and skin were left behind in the car. They were able to close her right ankle wound immediately, but her left ankle wound was just covered last week. After transferring her out of Ben Taub, she's in the best of hands with a local orthopedic surgeon who specializes in trauma injuries as hers. The plastic surgeon had to use a piece of her stomach muscle to cover it rather than do a skin graft, and as an added bonus she got a free tummy tuck. :) The orthopedic surgeon still needs to go in and put in her mold of her foot, pins, etc...but he will do that once her skin heals. After this, she still needs to have reconstructive knee surgery on her left knee. But she is alive, she has all use of her entire body and although it could take up to a year before she's walking again, she's with us and my kids have their Aunt still. I've put some pictures of her, her injuries and her birthday party (it was the 20th) that her co-workers threw for her. They have been AMAZING. She has been blessed to have such loving and caring friends and employer, Jason's Deli. Everyone has been wonderful in taking care of her and my mom at the hospital.
Adrienne celebrating her birthday with her colleagues from Jason's Deli
Adrienne's leg before the operation
After the operation
A super cute cookie cupcake just for her
She got a new puppy to help with her therapy when she gets home. So in the meantime, we are puppy sitting for her. He's a really cute dog and he's adjusted well to Harlow and the rest of the family.
Valerie with Echo in bed
I ended up catching another cold from the hospital. Of course, it went straight to the lungs and I'm just now getting over it. I can't help but stress when I get even the slightest of colds trying to keep those thoughts of being more than a cold. I feel like wearing a mask 24/7 just so I don't get sick. I'm so prone to picking up any bug that is out there right now. But I'm praying for God's guidance through this. I'm still working on giving it all to God and trusting and finding comfort in Him.
The kids are on the neighborhood swim team this year again and it's in full force! For the entire month of May, we weren't getting home and having dinner until 8pm because of swim practice M-F and then the kids had to get ready for school the next day! Once school was out, their practices moved to the morning. Much better for us, at least we can run some errands at night (like get milk!). Today was Gabriel's day to take the kids to their meet. I get home meets and he gets the away ones. It's been weeks since I have had a Saturday at home, able to catch up on cleaning and laundry. I can't believe I'm actually excited about that! For the past few weeks, we were going to birthday parties right after swimming meets, so we wouldn't get home until 4! And by then, we're too pooped to clean, go shopping, etc...So, I am finally able to catch up on daily life stuff and stay ahead of it rather than drowning in it. Swimming lasts through June, then we'll be done. The kids will be able to sleep in then. Right now, they practice at 7:30am M-F, have swim meets that start at 7am Saturdays and then get up at 8 for church Sundays! So much for a lazy summer! LOL! Since school is starting in late August, they'll have at least a month of sleeping in only to have to get up early again....
Olivia getting ready for a heat
Seth getting on the block
Oh, we now officially have a Wolf Scout in the house! Seth graduated from a Tiger Cub and got a new book and necktie. Doesn't he look handsome? He absolutely loves Boy Scouts!
On the work force, Lara left us in Mid-May, she had a much better financial opportunity and took it. Who can blame her? :) But that means work is even crazier than usual until Wednesday, when our new admin starts. And since the building is for sale, we've been having about 2 tours a week. It feels like I'm going out on a date, putting my best foot forward, dress, make-up's so damn funny!
Ok, so this is what our house looks like Sunday nights....
Leaving Walmart last night
Also, I hope you all don't mind the change in this blog. It was time for a change. And isn't that what life is all about?
Love to all,
I like the new format! We have been praying for Adrienne. Hopefully she will heal quickly and be back home with you and the new pup! Enjoy your summer, I (currently) have only one child to cart around- I have only admiration for you and Gabriel!
Love and miss you, Mel
It looks GREAT!!
I'm glad your sister is okay. What a scary, scary thing to go thru! Lots and lots of P&PT that things continue to go well and that she will be walking easily even sooner than predicted.
Your kids.... well, you know they're cute! But the sleeping pictures are just the sweetest. LOVE them!
Life is certainly all about change.
Thinking of you, ALL the time Brandy. Loving your pictures, it's amazing what you capture around you. Might seem so ordinary to others, just 'life.'
To me, it, you, your family, and oh those babydolls of yours..
are so beautiful.
And we, can both agree that, beautiful people don't just happen. I'm so happy you're out enjoying life. And getting wrapped up in your kids again.
I hope to have as much energy as you, in a few months. Sending all my love --
<3 B
My goodness Brandy, I'm so glad your sister is ok. How scary!
I love your update. Thanks. Been wondering about you guys.
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